Post by Tenebrae on May 19, 2009 15:16:36 GMT -5
Here is a basic How-to for most of the formatting one will use on the forum, along with a list of useable colours and fonts. Please note that there maybe some extra that have been missed. This is a combination of mine and Panthers efforts. Enjoy!
Moving text[/i][/b]
You can also move text by simply placing in the code
[ move] then typing what you want to move... (without the space in it though) and finishing the tag [/move]
which can be done by the "<--M" button.
there are also buttons for Strikethrough... which crosses stuff out. which is represented on the autotagger by aS and this can be done simply by putting the [ s] then closing the tag as normal [/ s] without the space
which does this
Underline Bold and Italic (UBI) [/b][/i]
you can do the basic bolds, italiks and underlines, by placing the first letter of each inside the square brackets [these]
Then you have the standard alignment ones... which are okay to use. you can do this by using the autotagger, (I am not sure why people want preformatted text but...)
you have the left align, which is simply
Supercript and Subsccript[/b][/i]
You also have the old, superscript and sub script which are simply the first three letters of each placed in the [square brackets] and closed off with the same with a / infront so it becomes [ /sup] [ sub] [ /sub]
Font Size[/b][/i]
Font size can also be changed, there is a buttong on the autotagger which does this, and it is the black "A" with an extending arrow facing up and down, or you can once more place in the tagg,
then *** becomes a number varying from 1 to about 7. finishing the tag
size 1
size 2
size 3
size 4
size 5
size 6
size 7
Then you also have the old font changing, which is cool and can be done by using the code where **** is the name of the font you want. EG hello, this is Comic sans ms.
I am none to sure on the types of font there are, if anyone does know, I would love you eternally if you told me!!!
Comic Sans MS
Arial Black
Arial Narrow
Book Antiqua
Bookman Old Style
Century GothicCourier New
Franklin Gothic Medium
Lucida Console
Lucida Sans Unicode
Microsoft Sans Serif
Monotype Corsiva
MS Serif
Myriad Condensed Web
Myriad Web
Palatino Linotype
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS
It is very very easy to change the colour of a peice of text, just place in the code then replace the *** with your chosen colour, then finish the tag [/ color] so your text will go like this.
You can also do this by the auto tagging buttons, it is the button with a red "A" on...
Black (#000000)
Dimgray (#696969)
Gray (#808080)
Darkgray (#A9A9A9)
Silver (#C0C0C0)
Lightgray (#D3D3D3)
Gainsboro (#DCDCDC)
Whitesmoke (#F5F5F5)
White (#FFFFFF)
Rosybrown (#BC8F8F)
Salmon (#FA8072)
Indianred (#CD5C5C)
Brown (#A52A2A)
Firebrick (#B22222)
Orange (#FFA500)
Lightcoral (#F08080)
Maroon (#800000)
Darkred (#8B0000)
Red (#FF0000)
Orangered (#FF4500)
Tomato (#FF6347)
Coral (#FF7F50)
Darksalmon (#E9967A)
Lightsalmon (#FFA07A)
Sienna (#A0522D)
Tan (#D2B48C)
Chocolate (#D2691E)
Saddlebrown (#8B4513)
Peachpuff (#FFDAB9)
Sandybrown (#F4A460)
Peru (#CD853F)
Gold (#FFD700)
Goldenrod (#DAA520)
Darkorange (#FF8C00)
Darkgoldenrod (#B8860B)
Mistyrose (#FFE4E1)
Bisque (#FFE4C4)
Antiquewhite (#FAEBD7)
Burlywood (#DEB887)
Beige (#F5F5DC)
Navajowhite (#FFDEAD)
Blanchedalmond (#FFEBCD)
Papayawhip (#FFEFD5)
Moccasin (#FFE4B5)
Wheat (#F5DEB3)
Oldlace (#FDF5E6)
Cornsilk (#FFF8DC)
Khaki (#F0E68C)
Lemonchiffon (#FFFACD)
Palegoldenrod (#EEE8AA)
Darkkhaki (#BDB76B)
Darkolivegreen (#556B2F)
Olivedrab (#6B8E23)
Olive (#808000)
Yellow (#FFFF00)
Yellowgreen (#9ACD32)
Greenyellow (#ADFF2F)
Chartreuse (#7FFF00)
Lawngreen (#7CFC00)
Forestgreen (#228B22)
Darkseagreen (#8FBC8F)
Darkgreen (#006400)
Mediumseagreen (#3CB371)
Palegreen (#98FB98)
Limegreen (#32CD32)
Lightgreen (#90EE90)
green (#008000)
Lime (#00FF00)
Springgreen (#00FF7F)
Mediumspringgreen (#00FA9A)
Aquamarine (#7FFFD4)
Seagreen (#2E8B57)
Lightseagreen (#20B2AA)
Mediumaquamarine (#66CDAA)
Turquoise (#40E0D0)
Mediumturquoise (#48D1CC)
Paleturquoise (#AFEEEE)
Lightcyan (#E0FFFF)
Cadetblue (#5F9EA0)
Lightblue (#ADD8E6)
Teal (#008080)
Darkcyan (#008B8B)
Cyan (#00FFFF)
Aqua (#00FFFF)
Powderblue (#B0E0E6)
Deepskyblue (#00BFFF)
Skyblue (#87CEEB)
Steelblue (#4682B4)
Lightskyblue (#87CEFA)
Slategray (#708090)
Lightslategray (#778899)
Darkslategray (#2F4F4F)
Darkslateblue (#483D8B)
Dodgerblue (#1E90FF)
Lightsteelblue (#B0C4DE)
Cornflowerblue (#6495ED)
Darkturquoise (#00CED1)
Royalblue (#4169E1)
Midnightblue (#191970)
Mediumblue (#0000CD)
Navy (#000080)
Darkblue (#00008B)
Blue (#0000FF)
Slateblue (#6A5ACD)
Mediumslateblue (#7B68EE)
Mediumpurple (#9370DB)
Indigo (#4B0082)
Purple (#800080)
Blueviolet (#8A2BE2)
Darkorchid (#9932CC)
Darkviolet (#9400D3)
Mediumorchid (#BA55D3)
Violet (#EE82EE)
Thistle (#D8BFD8)
Plum (#DDA0DD)
Orchid (#DA70D6)
Darkmagenta (#8B008B)
Magenta (#FF00FF)
Fuchsia (#FF00FF)
Deeppink (#FF1493)
Hotpink (#FF69B4)
Palevioletred (#DB7093)
Mediumvioletred (#C71585)
Pink (#FFC0CB)
Crimson (#DC143C)
Lightpink (#FFB6C1)
Moving text[/i][/b]
You can also move text by simply placing in the code
[ move] then typing what you want to move... (without the space in it though) and finishing the tag [/move]
which can be done by the "<--M" button.
there are also buttons for Strikethrough... which crosses stuff out. which is represented on the autotagger by a
Underline Bold and Italic (UBI) [/b][/i]
you can do the basic bolds, italiks and underlines, by placing the first letter of each inside the square brackets [these]
Then you have the standard alignment ones... which are okay to use. you can do this by using the autotagger, (I am not sure why people want preformatted text but...)
you have the left align, which is simply
[ /left] without the spaces.
you have the right which is [ right] [ /right]
finally center which is, [ center] [/ center] amazingly enough.
Supercript and Subsccript[/b][/i]
You also have the old, superscript and sub script which are simply the first three letters of each placed in the [square brackets] and closed off with the same with a / infront so it becomes [ /sup] [ sub] [ /sub]
Font Size[/b][/i]
Font size can also be changed, there is a buttong on the autotagger which does this, and it is the black "A" with an extending arrow facing up and down, or you can once more place in the tagg,
then *** becomes a number varying from 1 to about 7. finishing the tag
size 1
size 2
size 3
size 4
size 5
size 6
size 7
Then you also have the old font changing, which is cool and can be done by using the code where **** is the name of the font you want. EG hello, this is Comic sans ms.
I am none to sure on the types of font there are, if anyone does know, I would love you eternally if you told me!!!
Comic Sans MS
Arial Black
Arial Narrow
Book Antiqua
Bookman Old Style
Century GothicCourier New
Franklin Gothic Medium
Lucida Console
Lucida Sans Unicode
Microsoft Sans Serif
Monotype Corsiva
MS Serif
Myriad Condensed Web
Myriad Web
Palatino Linotype
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS
It is very very easy to change the colour of a peice of text, just place in the code then replace the *** with your chosen colour, then finish the tag [/ color] so your text will go like this.
You can also do this by the auto tagging buttons, it is the button with a red "A" on...
Black (#000000)
Dimgray (#696969)
Gray (#808080)
Darkgray (#A9A9A9)
Silver (#C0C0C0)
Lightgray (#D3D3D3)
Gainsboro (#DCDCDC)
Whitesmoke (#F5F5F5)
White (#FFFFFF)
Rosybrown (#BC8F8F)
Salmon (#FA8072)
Indianred (#CD5C5C)
Brown (#A52A2A)
Firebrick (#B22222)
Orange (#FFA500)
Lightcoral (#F08080)
Maroon (#800000)
Darkred (#8B0000)
Red (#FF0000)
Orangered (#FF4500)
Tomato (#FF6347)
Coral (#FF7F50)
Darksalmon (#E9967A)
Lightsalmon (#FFA07A)
Sienna (#A0522D)
Tan (#D2B48C)
Chocolate (#D2691E)
Saddlebrown (#8B4513)
Peachpuff (#FFDAB9)
Sandybrown (#F4A460)
Peru (#CD853F)
Gold (#FFD700)
Goldenrod (#DAA520)
Darkorange (#FF8C00)
Darkgoldenrod (#B8860B)
Mistyrose (#FFE4E1)
Bisque (#FFE4C4)
Antiquewhite (#FAEBD7)
Burlywood (#DEB887)
Beige (#F5F5DC)
Navajowhite (#FFDEAD)
Blanchedalmond (#FFEBCD)
Papayawhip (#FFEFD5)
Moccasin (#FFE4B5)
Wheat (#F5DEB3)
Oldlace (#FDF5E6)
Cornsilk (#FFF8DC)
Khaki (#F0E68C)
Lemonchiffon (#FFFACD)
Palegoldenrod (#EEE8AA)
Darkkhaki (#BDB76B)
Darkolivegreen (#556B2F)
Olivedrab (#6B8E23)
Olive (#808000)
Yellow (#FFFF00)
Yellowgreen (#9ACD32)
Greenyellow (#ADFF2F)
Chartreuse (#7FFF00)
Lawngreen (#7CFC00)
Forestgreen (#228B22)
Darkseagreen (#8FBC8F)
Darkgreen (#006400)
Mediumseagreen (#3CB371)
Palegreen (#98FB98)
Limegreen (#32CD32)
Lightgreen (#90EE90)
green (#008000)
Lime (#00FF00)
Springgreen (#00FF7F)
Mediumspringgreen (#00FA9A)
Aquamarine (#7FFFD4)
Seagreen (#2E8B57)
Lightseagreen (#20B2AA)
Mediumaquamarine (#66CDAA)
Turquoise (#40E0D0)
Mediumturquoise (#48D1CC)
Paleturquoise (#AFEEEE)
Lightcyan (#E0FFFF)
Cadetblue (#5F9EA0)
Lightblue (#ADD8E6)
Teal (#008080)
Darkcyan (#008B8B)
Cyan (#00FFFF)
Aqua (#00FFFF)
Powderblue (#B0E0E6)
Deepskyblue (#00BFFF)
Skyblue (#87CEEB)
Steelblue (#4682B4)
Lightskyblue (#87CEFA)
Slategray (#708090)
Lightslategray (#778899)
Darkslategray (#2F4F4F)
Darkslateblue (#483D8B)
Dodgerblue (#1E90FF)
Lightsteelblue (#B0C4DE)
Cornflowerblue (#6495ED)
Darkturquoise (#00CED1)
Royalblue (#4169E1)
Midnightblue (#191970)
Mediumblue (#0000CD)
Navy (#000080)
Darkblue (#00008B)
Blue (#0000FF)
Slateblue (#6A5ACD)
Mediumslateblue (#7B68EE)
Mediumpurple (#9370DB)
Indigo (#4B0082)
Purple (#800080)
Blueviolet (#8A2BE2)
Darkorchid (#9932CC)
Darkviolet (#9400D3)
Mediumorchid (#BA55D3)
Violet (#EE82EE)
Thistle (#D8BFD8)
Plum (#DDA0DD)
Orchid (#DA70D6)
Darkmagenta (#8B008B)
Magenta (#FF00FF)
Fuchsia (#FF00FF)
Deeppink (#FF1493)
Hotpink (#FF69B4)
Palevioletred (#DB7093)
Mediumvioletred (#C71585)
Pink (#FFC0CB)
Crimson (#DC143C)
Lightpink (#FFB6C1)